between people, there can be elective affinities.
These are
feelings which make two people draw closer even in a crowd, that make
a person feel attracted to someone else, feelings which generate
positive vibrations.
In the way we think about our work and our brand, there is something very personal. Not only because our company, as all companies, is made up of people but because, for us, every step of company life is very personal, something we live, each from our own position, in our daily lives.
This means behaving like human beings before the brand or the society.
this is to explain that, inevitably, even in the world of brands and
societies, similar societies are attracted to each other.
when they are attracted they begin to get to know each other and when
they know each other well – as in our case- they also begin to like
each other.
And they go out together.

This is exactly what happened between BertO and RiFRA.
The society is led by Matteo Rivolta, an entrepreneur who is totally involved in the society, dedicated to offering total satisfaction to his customers and 100% excellence in its products. We liked RiFRA immediately, it has a certain something which makes us feel at ease just like when you are with people similar to you.
And in fact that is exactly what it is. The people who work in RiFRA are just like us in BertO: they love their work and they carry out their duties with great passion and they share our idea of quality and beauty.
As we got to know each other, we got on so well together that we thought it would be a good idea to share our pleasure by doing things together with all those people who honour us with their attention.
Not only our beloved customers but also friends, those who follow us on the social networks and all those people who have perhaps attended an event of crowdcrafting, who spent an evening in the BertoLive area in one of our showrooms or who maybe came to the presentation of our book The Spirit of 74. In fact anyone who in any way knows our products.

The BertO & RiFRA event
So we had the lovely but simple idea to spend a day together, guests of BertO and RiFRA, so that we could pass some time together, in contact with the type of experience where the material products produced by our two societies are only part of the whole.
After having organised many such occasions in which we have met our guests and maybe spoilt them a little, we know how pleasant it is to pass time with people who share a common vision, where, in a certain sense, the actual product is simply an excuse to get together.
To chat together, to share a story, to comment on the page of a book and maybe to eat something tasty together.
This is the invitation that BertO and RiFRA send out to all those who are already our friends and to all those who would like to become friends: a moment to taste fantastic specialities prepared for you in RiFRA’s magnificent kitchens on Thursday 20th February from 4.00 to 9.00 pm.
Where? Right in the centre of Milan, at the RiFRA Store in Corso Matteotti 1.
You will enjoy the comfort which is an integral part of our production combined with the sophisticated pleasures of the palate provided by the Show Cooking @ RiFRA Store.
Find out how to create your furnishing project with us. Call one of our interior designers for your telephone consultation or write to
Ask now for your personal consultation and create your own furnishing project with one of BertO’s Made in Meda interior designers