Yesterday evening in the #BertoLive area of the showroom in Meda, we presented the book “Spiritof74 – 74 key words to live happily the passion for our chosen profession”.

It was a normal evening…. with extraordinary giants, everyday superheroes and aliens.
In the first part of the evening, reserved for some of our Company’s most loyal customers, we were able to have a friendly chat with our art director Alessandro Castello (Castello Lagravinese Studio) about all that which goes before a collection, a product or the choice of fabric or material.
From the overall vision right down to the smallest detail of every piece of furniture or accessory, the study of the technology necessary to achieve the desired result and the search for the best combinations from among our many excellent suppliers.
And don’t forget the care taken throughout the entire supply chain, all entirely managed by us. As many of you know, we in BertO never ever use intermediaries between the hands of our craftsmen and the homes of our customers.
It was very interesting to put those people – couples of every age, young singles and families who, over the years, had bought and appreciated a BertO product – in front of the people who “saw” that product before it even existed.
And then they sat with the craftsmen and designers who would probably create it.
And then, together, they did it, reaching levels of style and quality that few companies in the world can achieve.
“We are here thanks to our customers – some we have known for decades, others for only a few weeks – who are united by results that no-one else was able to offer. We in BertO know that this isn’t just by chance, it’s the result of constant, continual work in terms of searching for materials, studying new technology, refinement of styles …… a never-ending task complimented by services which are always focused on our customers needs, these too in constant evolution. And we are proud of the trust they have in us, we want to repay them by continually improving, year after year, month after month, day after day”.
These are the words pronounced by those who invent the BertO products, words pronounced beside those who produce the final product.
The words of our customers – who kindly agreed to share with us the pleasure they have had over the years, often over decades, using the items which have come out of our laboratories – have confirmed one basic fact,
“You are unique, there is no other company like you in the world”.
In other words, they told us that we are aliens from another planet!

After this first part of the evening dedicated to our customers, we relaxed for a few minutes waiting for the arrival of the two “giants”.
Giants for their importance, for their institutional roles, for their work (we are talking about two internationally known people who have written books and essays and who, in their position of university professors, form tomorrow’s leaders) but they are also giants for their availability, human kindness and generosity.
They kept the date free for us and came to our showroom in Meda, Professor Ivana Pais, associate professor of economic sociology at the faculty of economics in the Università Cattolica, and Professor Stefano Micelli, academic and professor of economics and business management at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice.
And they spoke about us, about our book and about what lies behind it.
There are no words to express how much they were appreciated and applauded, you would have to have been there yesterday evening. But there is one thing we can describe, the smiles on their faces which you can see in the photos.
People with such an important position and of such generosity can only be described as “giants”.
But the audience in front of them was no less. There were indeed some true superheroes.
Everyday superheroes, protagonists of their personal and professional challenges disguised as normal people.
The farmer, the businesswoman, the socially active young man.
The managers of our showrooms around Italy who don’t hesitate to drive hundreds of kilometres between a hard day’s work and an early start the next morning. All those who drive our vans.
Their wives, husbands and children.
Those who are active to promote the future of our territory.
Those who write on the web, those who study mathematics and those who do training in the restaurants of Monza.
Those who learn how to speak with customers and who utilise algorithms. Those who come from Seregno, who from Shanghai.
Those who make capitonné, those who teach it and those who learn it, all with aching hands at the end of the day.
Those who wake up one morning without a job and who create work every day.
Those who try for the first time to carry an armchair and those who have the weight of a whole shop on their shoulders.
So now you can understand why we had such an unforgettable evening!