We have a surprise for you, an extraordinary surprise.
Also this, like everything else which regards our society, is the result of the spirit of our founders which we told about in our book entitled “The Spirit of 74 – 74 words to live happily the passion for our chosen profession”.
We have already revealed a few details and some of you here may have understood what we are preparing.
But we want to explain why the Spirit of 74 is so closely linked to our project!

- The surprise we are preparing comes from the dreams of a little boy on a bicycle.
- The surprise we are preparing comes through ages, fashions and continents.
- The surprise we are preparing takes the Spirit of 74 and amplifies it to a global vision.
- The surprise we are preparing tells of things which have made the whole world fall in love.
- The surprise we are preparing is about a story that enthrals us all.
- The surprise we are preparing is something which involves many people.
- The surprise we are preparing will be a gift for all our customers and friends.
We are dying to tell you but…we must wait.
The fruit of months and months of work, research, study and – we can’t deny it – a certain amount of inner turmoil is bringing to completion a work which we think will be appreciated by everyone who follows us and is happy to communicate with us.
Customers and non-customers, people who we know by name and others only by nickname on social networks, people who are regular visitors to our showrooms throughout Italy and those who go to our web site or read our newsletters: we are preparing a great little idea for everyone.
Not much longer, we are almost there… the surprise which honours in a new way that famous Spirit of our founders to whom we owe everything is on the way!
If you too want to give yourself a pleasant surprise with a change for the better – totally personalised – of the comfort in your home thanks to an exclusive project made-to-measure for your own personal needs, ask now for your consultation with one of BertO’s interior designers.
Ask now for your personal consultation and create your own furnishing project with one of BertO’s Made in Meda interior designers