A delegation of students enrolled at the prestigious Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano – NABA, spent the morning visiting our showroom in Meda on Friday 27 May.
What prompted Tomorrow’s Designers, many of them young foreigners who moved to Italy precisely to study at NABA, to come together in the epicentre of furniture design after months of distance learning?
Attending a lecture on design in the world at the BertO showroom in Meda!

Filippo Berto welcomed them into his space to talk about the company, productivity, marketing and customisation…. and to tell the story of his brand – starting from the design elements that the students admired, touched and sat on during the meeting.
“But how does a design product come into being?”
A young designer of the future asks Filippo Berto this question, during a constructive dialogue exploring the values of the Made in Meda tradition.
“It is a beautiful process. A product is not just the realisation of an idea that comes from the brilliant mind of a designer: it is a unique piece that brings together a story, that of a brand, that of a company and its mission. It is the will to create and the mastery of know-how that come together to satisfy our customers. Knowing where we want to go and, above all, who we want to reach is the starting point for an ongoing research activity that begins with the choice of materials, technology, and the channels to make known the value contained in each individual product. Because the design piece is aesthetically beautiful but also functional – to fulfil customers’ dreams. These are all fundamental building blocks, where nothing is left to chance, but is part of a whole. Part of a team – the BertO team”.

In addition to the opportunity to see and examine the projects and settings that bear the Made in Meda Design of Dreams signature, the youngsters were the protagonists of a presentation of the book “Made in Meda –the Future of Design is already a thousand years old“ especially for them.
It was a generational meeting of knowledge, an exchange that is part of the company DNA and which Filippo Berto discusses in his publication.
It marks one thousand years of Meda, during which its talented workers, generation after generation, have arrived at the knowledge of today to face new challenges.
If you talk about sustainability, it is because over time you have learnt to take care of your territory and those who are still to come with a new sense of responsibility.
But not because there was no care before: new technologies allow us to approach new topics, such as the circularity of materials.
Research is continuous: it is right to involve young people so that they can take up the cause and go further.
This is what Filippo Berto has done, cultivating the legacy of his father and uncle to bring the company to a high level of digitalisation.
“The profound meaning of being in Meda and working in Meda also lies in the fact that you learn the right things here.
Here, people learn the fundamentals.
Here, every day, you learn how to become better than the day before“.
That’s why the Designers of tomorrow have come here!

With this meeting, we are extremely proud to have continued our ongoing commitment to the education of young people, whom we consider to be the driving force behind the evolution of the entrepreneurial system and the future of our country.
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