From all directions – media, personal conversations, online contacts – we are always being told ” to change”, “to be ready to change”, “to prepare ourselves for change”.
Anyone who follows us will know that for us change is not a new concept, certainly not ignored.
On the contrary: we have great, almost religious, respect for change. So much so that we have dedicated a page to this theme in our book “#Spiritof74 – 74 key words to live happily the passion for our work”, where we have written:
Change – Never trust habit. (pag. 51)

We have always changed.
Our founders, when they set out on their entrepreneurial adventure, moved to a different region, they moved to Meda because they knew that excellent workmanship could only be accomplished in the Design Capital of the world.
Our approach to the market changed as soon as the opportunity of the Internet arose and we were among the first in Italy to embrace this new media. (it was not by chance that we had the honour of being the Google Case Study and Google Ambassador for the SMEs with the programme “Digital Excellence”).
The relationship with our customers – many of which have continued for years and in some cases even decades- are constantly changing as the advancement of technology opens new horizons: blogs, info-commerce, social network, digital p.r.: all this has become our daily bread.
The distribution channels… from showroom to digital, from digital to showroom, uninterrupted, with a unique team of people who are able to communicate with our customers and offer ideal solutions.
In person and online, exactly the same, exactly the same people and, above all, exactly the same professionalism.
The guarantees on the quality of the product and service, just to mention one example which is probably unique in the Design sector: we never ever leave our products in hands other than our own, from the initial sketches right up to the delivery to the customer’s home. Even the transport is undertaken by our own vehicles and our specifically trained employees.
And finally, change also means changing that which surrounds us because a society is not detached from reality, it is not in a world of its own. A society gives work to local people, it has a direct effect on the life of the community, it is a reference point in many ways.
We feel this deeply and it is for this reason that we have tried to change traditional approaches to the production.
We have done this by opening our society and turning it into a shared workshop in many different ways, both with our innovative crowd-crafting projects which make it possible for anyone to participate personally in the co-creation of their own piece of furniture, and with the creation of a “story-telling laboratory” which, over the years, has helped us to improve through the constant confrontation about our daily work thanks to this continual narrative.
Today we are asked to change again.
Not only in our way of working but probably in our whole way of living.
On one hand we trust in our ability to innovate and change ourselves and on the other hand we are aware, once again, that change is a fundamental question.
So once again the teaching of our founders comes to our assistance.
Back in 1974 it was they who laid the foundations of a society that was never totally satisfied with itself, never content with the results – however praiseworthy – and which never hesitated before the chance to improve.
Fioravante and Carlo Berto taught us that to improve is not an option but an obligation, a moral duty even before a profession duty.
It is for this reason that today, through our book and the 74 key words and concepts, we feel obliged to honour this important imperative: change.
But we never under-estimate the difficulties and commitment necessary when we decide to change a certain situation and that is why, when the change regards improvements to your own home, we are always at your side, ready to assist you in your every decision to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Ask now for your personal consultation with one of our interior designers.
Ask now for your personal consultation and create your own furnishing project with one of BertO’s Made in Meda interior designers