I’ve been in the sofa business my whole life.
I grew up there, breathed the air of the workshops, and have been designing sofas since I was born.
You might even be able to give me a DNA analysis to find out that it comprises strands of fabric and fine leather.
For this reason, I am supporting my company, founded by my father and uncle in 1974, by bringing continuous innovation to the field of designer sofas.
So much so that some time ago, we started an important project that has our city, Meda, as its protagonist.
Few people know it, but Meda is the city where there is the highest concentration of design companies in Italy. It is a true hub of Italian design.
That’s why I desire to make this city famous even outside the national borders, and, with pride, I call myself an ambassador of Meda.
Made in Italy will ALWAYS be synonymous with quality in the world. Still, as far as the sofa sector is concerned, it is only fair that people know that Meda is the only synonym for elegance and supreme quality when it comes to these artisan products.
The excellence that exists in this city is unique and unobtainable. But this is mainly due to the remarkable ability of the artisans of Meda, who have become increasingly specialized in creating sophisticated and original design objects over the years.
Every day these craftsmen “get their hands dirty” designing and modeling together with the best design consultants in Italy, the most elegant, functional, and suitable sofas for your home.

But why does this excellent artisan culture of design exist in Meda?
Simple: because here there is a centuries-old manufacturing tradition, which has seen – generation after generation – an entire territory specialize, or rather, I’d better say: devote itself entirely to an exact type of work, which has never lost that peculiar tension towards excellence.
On the contrary, he has cultivated it and is continuing to move the bar higher.
Meda is not just a landmark; Meda is THE landmark.
Precisely because we, at BertO, feel ourselves to be heirs of a significant history, which has conceived and made famous the creations of Design Made in Meda worldwide, we have always promoted events able to involve the new local generations.
From crowd crafting projects in collaboration with educational institutions to BertoLive events in our showrooms, passing through the continuous work of teaching our master craftsmen to newcomers to the tasks of Design Made in Meda, in BertO, we have always promoted. We will always glorify the growth of local talent in the boys and girls of Meda.
Is it clear to you now why BertO is Made in Meda and not just Made in Italy?
Watch the video where I show you the latest project born in our laboratory, DEE DEE: the sofa that redesigns the rules of comfort and design for the design of your home.
Filippo Berto
Ask now for your personal consultation and create your own furnishing project with one of BertO’s Made in Meda interior designers