First session of co-creation artisan #divanoXmanagua. How did it go? the end of the first workshop of #divanoXmanagua, we were a bit ‘dazed by the amount of stimuli received, the question that remains is …

“How did it go?”

We want to reassure you, the adventure has begun: sharing our knowledge as craftsman is moving forward and on the right foot.

It’s not to wonder, people who know us, understand very well that we are perfectionists and committed to quality in everything we make (and do), including … this experiment!

Apart from being lucky, it seems to me that this first meeting on the co-creation of the #divanoXmanagua, dedicated to the design aspects of the project, went just fine.

The students from the upholstery Training Centre AFOL Meda,  arrived early and were serious about the project.

We received very flattering words from,  Donatella Di Paolo from Terre des Hommes Italy and from Dr. Longo and Dr. Riva  from the AFOL Center in Meda.

For our outstanding contribution to education, as well as the professional opportunity to work with our designers from, Lagravinese Castello Studio, who shared with all of us practical tips and tricks of the trade.

We are attracting a lot of attention in the social media, for those people not familiar with our project, we invite you to join our initiative.

Thanks also goes to our followers on Twitter, who were not physically present but nonetheless followed our updates.

And finally … the outcome of the first session of: #divanoXmanagua now has shape, has precise details, and we have a plan.

We can say that the quality and design of the sofa has been set very high, we are targeting an international audience.

It is now clear that the final product of #divanoXmanagu, will be innovative at all levels: design, materials and craftsmanship.

All those present, in fact, were in agreement on key points:

  • The sofa will have a strong character
  • It must be suitable for an international clientele from: Meda, Italy to New York, USA and beyond…
  • It must have its own personality: classic, yet modern.
  • It will have the highest value of workmanship incorporated: artisans from the Brianza are known as being the best in the world.
  • Together with, Terre des Hommes, the proceeds of sale of the #divanoXmanagua, will have significant financial importance for the School of Carpenters in Managua, Nicaragua.
  • the #divanoXmanagua will transmit the pride of being an Italian production, made exclusively by using traditional Italian manufacturing methods.

In short, we have set our sights very high.

Now, we move on to the production phase of our project, our next appointment will take place in our laboratory, on Via Consorziale dei Boschi 21, in Meda, on Thursday, February 13th.

A heartfelt thanks goes to all who came to our debut, we count on you to continue to share this experience.

Here is the history of the event.

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