It looks like a party but it isn’t. It’s just a truce on the battlefield. It’s BertO45.

#BertO45 is for our customers.

Looking at us, we seem to be smiling happily but really we are exhausted.

We are a close-knit group but sometimes we really get on each other’s nerves.

It seemed as if we were getting ready to go on holiday but in reality we were getting ready to go to the madhouse.

There have been so many orders, such incredibly busy months, an utterly crazy year.

Yesterday we almost didn’t come to celebrate BertO45, the 45th anniversary of our Company. 

But then someone pulled us out of the delivery vans and lorries, pushed us out of the showrooms, dragged us away from the production department, tore us away from our computers and said,

“Come on, I’ve got something for you”

A commemorative plaque for each of us, a message, a big thank you.

Little by little we started to relax as we began to understand that the biggest and most important battle is always that with ourselves.
A battle to exceed our personal limits, to look beyond our difficult moments and understand that together with our work mates we are all stronger. Much stronger than we had ever thought possible.

These are battles which can never really be won because the bar just keeps on getting higher, the commitment just keeps increasing.

But with the help of those around us, we can all look towards a new year -the 46th – and repeat to ourselves that we are in a fantastic group and that together we can do it.

Best wishes to everyone.

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